Raheja Solar food processing, a Shark Tank India D2C brand, offers innovative solar dryers to farmers for drying fruits & vegetables - reducing food waste.
Original Ask
₹ 50 Lakhs for 1% Equity
Final Deal
₹ 1.25 Crores for 3.13% and 1.88 Advisory for Kunal ₹ 50 Lakhs for 1.25% and 0.75 Advisory for Peyush and Vineeta
Season 4
₹ 50 Lakhs for 1% Equity
Yes, they secured ₹ 1.25 Crores for 3.13% and 1.88 Advisory for Kunal ₹ 50 Lakhs for 1.25% and 0.75 Advisory for Peyush and Vineeta
Healthy Food